Fintech & Innovation: intervista a Ferdinando Ametrano | LUMSA Master School

Fintech & Innovation: intervista a Ferdinando Ametrano

In vista dell’avvio, a gennaio 2020, della seconda edizione del Master in Fintech & Innovation, abbiamo incontrato Ferdinando Maria Ametrano, direttore del Digital Gold Institute e CheckSig Executive Director, nonché direttore scientifico del Crypto Asset Lab, founder e co-amministratore del QuantLib Project e docente del Master.

Il Master in Fintech & Innovation è un master di primo livello in inglese promosso dalla LUMSA Master School dell’Università LUMSA e da Fintech EduLab in partnership con numerosi altri player di primo livello come appunto Accenture, ma anche Endeavor, KPMG Advisory, Moneyfarm e molti altri.

MFI è un master internazionale di 10 mesi con lezioni strutturate in formula weekend (giovedì pomeriggio, venerdì e sabato), un sistema ideale sia per chi già lavora che per giovani neo-laureati. Sono previste 12 borse di studio. Il termine per candidarsi all’iscrizione (massimo 50 studenti ammessi) è fissato al 31 gennaio 2020.

L’intervista che segue è in inglese, lingua del Master in Fintech & Innovation. Maggiori informazioni sul master sono disponibili nella scheda del corso. Scorrere la pagina per leggere l’intervista in italiano.

EN - Who is Ferdinando Ametrano
Ferdinando Ametrano, Director of Digital Gold Institute and CheckSig Executive Director. Ferdinando is also Crypto Asset Lab Scientific Director and founder and co-administrator of the QuantLib project, a comprehensive free/open-source software framework for quantitative finance. Former Head of Blockchain and Virtual Currencies in Intesa Sanpaolo bank, he has been a Planning Committee member of the Scaling Bitcoin conference and is an occasional trivial contributor to Bitcoin Core.

Fintech innovator, technologist, and open source developer, Ferdinando is the author of scientific publications as well as a contributor to multiple media outlets. Appreciated professor, speaker, panelist, lecturer, and instructor, he has been invited to events, workshops and conferences about bitcoin at the United Nations, Central Banks, the Italian Parliament, and a number of universities


Why have you decided to join the faculty of the Master in Fintech and Innovation (MFI)?
Bitcoin and Blockchain are a cultural paradigm shift, and I am keen to drive future executives through this epochal challenge by providing knowledge and quantitative tools. Cultural growth is the leverage for future challenges.


What are you going to teach in the MFI?
I will be teaching the course Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology, an introduction to bitcoin and the associated blockchain technology.

Covering also elliptic curves and public-key cryptography, bitcoin will be introduced as ingenious breakthrough innovation. Its game theory, computer science, and monetary theory elements will be examined in an attempt to properly convey the interdisciplinarity of the topic and appreciate its relevance.


Why is it important to study Fintech today?
Money is what people use to cooperate with strangers and foreigners to build cooperative channels. The way we shape our money experience is going to shape our relationships with people. Bitcoin is the equivalent of gold in the digital realm: as such it might play a crucial role in the future of money and finance, redesigning our digital civilization.

Pubblicato il 17/12/2019