Course title
Master in Management of Sustainable Development Goals (MSDG)
A.Y. 2024-2025
Learning Objectives
The Master in Management of Sustainable Development Goals (MSDG – first level) is a problem-solving oriented, creative, innovative, learning-by-doing Master Programme whose aim is to support participants from around the world, in the acquisition of knowledge and competencies on the management of sustainable development in dynamic environments.
The vision and the focus of the MSDG will be the spread of a new idea of development, which implies inter-linkages and a multidimensional approach to solve in a world scale the issues and challenges concerning the preservation of the planet and of its inhabitants in long time.
Admission Requirements
- Bachelor's degree or higher qualification (e.g. Master's degree) or a degree obtained through the old system (ante DM 509/1999) or being on track to graduate within March 2025* in Natural/Hard Sciences (Architecture, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics) or in Social Sciences (Anthropology, Communication, Economics, International Relations, Law, Management, Pedagogy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology) or in Humanities (History, Languages, Literature, Philosophy, Theology).
- Proved English language proficiency** by means of Cambridge test (minimum level B2) or IELTS (minimum grade 6.5) or TOEFL (minimum grade 85) or Level B of English Knowledge by Certification or oral exam with MSDG Commission.
- An interview via Skype with the MSDG Scientific Director.
*Candidates who don't have their Bachelor degrees at the time of application will be urged to provide convincing evidence that they will be able to comply by October 30, 2024.
**Applicants not holding a certificate can still apply and, upon conditional offer, will be assessed by an English Knowledge Interview.
Career Opportunities
MSDG graduates are skilled to be Managers of Sustainability. The program is of relevance to those planning to work, or working in: private sector companies increasingly engaged to upgrade their sustainable corporate strategy; Government ministries and other public sector bodies and companies concerned with policy analysis in the in the fields of sustainable development and environmental planning; International and non-governmental organizations concerned with the sustainable dimensions of economic change; Applied research and teaching in institutions of research and higher education.
Whom is this program for?
Young professionals or graduate/graduating students (Bachelor's degree, Master of Science’s degree or equivalent) in Natural/Hard Sciences (Architecture, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics) or in Social Sciences (Anthropology, Communication, Economics, International Relations, Law, Management, Pedagogy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology) or in Humanities (History, Languages, Literature, Philosophy, Theology).
Degree issued
Students will receive the degree of Master in Management of Sustainable Development Goals (first level). In order to graduate students are required to attend at least 80% of the classes, successfully pass all examinations and complete one of the following: internship or project work and a thesis.
Law, Economics, Politics and Modern Languages
Reference area
Economics > Business and Finance
Scientific Director
Prof. Giovanni Ferri
Steering Commitee
Prof. Giovanni Ferri, Chair
Prof. Filippo Giordano, Sustainable Management Strategy
Dr. Francesca Lipari, Teaching Contents Planning & Internships
Prof. Agostino Marengo, e-learning & Communication
Dr. Marco Nicoli, Institutional & Foreign Relationships
Prof. Alessandro Pagano, e-learning & Communication (alternate)
Prof. Habib Sedehi, Project Management
Management Committee
Prof. Giovanni Ferri
Dr. Matthieu David
Prof. Servio Vergalli
Dr. Bruna Marro
Scientific Commitee
H. Em. Cardinal Peter K. A. Turkson, Dicastery for the promotion of Integral Human Development (Holy See)
Prof. Giovanni Ferri, LUMSA University linkabile
Prof. Angela Sansonetti, LUISS University
Prof. Enrico Giovannini, Asvis& University of Tor Vergata
Prof. Grammenos Mastrojeni, LUMSA University
Dr. Matthieu David, Candriam Investors Group
Prof. Maurizio Zollo, Bocconi University
Dr. Massimiliano Falcone, Connect4Climate (World Bank)
Prof. Gennaro Iasevoli, LUMSA University
Prof. Giampaolo Malgeri, LUMSA University
Content and structure
Key facts
Maximum intake: 50 students
Minimum intake: 15 students
Overall training hours: 1500 h, distributed as follows:
in-class frontal lectures (120 hours) and online (200 hours);
E-lab (185 hours);
Internship / Project work / Thesis-Research project / Final dissertation: (30 hours)
Individual study: 965 hours
Teaching mode: blended
Language: English
An experienced, qualified faculty; a carefully selected mix of academics and practitioners who will strive to transmit to you a true passion for sustainable management.
H. Em. Cardinal Peter K. A. Turkson, Chancellor of both the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
Prof. Giovanni Ferri, LUMSA University
Prof.ssa Angela Sansonetti, LUISS University
Prof. Enrico Giovannini, Asvis & University of Tor Vergata
Prof. Grammenos Mastrojeni, LUMSA University
Dr. Matthieu David, Candriam Investors Group
Prof. Maurizio Zollo, Bocconi University
Dr. Massimiliano Falcone, Connect 4 Climate (World Bank)
Prof. Gennaro Iasevoli, LUMSA University
Prof. Giampaolo Malgeri, LUMSA University
Prof. Luigino Bruni, LUMSA University
Dr. Fernando Castellanos Silveira, United Nations (UNFCCC)
Prof. Filippo Giordano, LUMSA University
Dr. Francesca Lipari, Carlos III University of Madrid
Prof. Fabrizio Maimone, LUMSA University
Prof. Ryan Muldoon, University of Buffalo
Prof. Vito Peragine, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
Dr. Martina Rogato, Sustainability advisor
Prof. Habib Sedehi, “La Sapienza” University
Dr. Anga Timilsina, United Nations
Prof. Alessandro Vercelli, University of Siena
Prof. Stefano Zamagni, Fondazione LUMSA Human Academy
In order to fulfill the master requirements, students have to choose one of the following:
a. Internship:
Students will have the chance to join one of the international master’s corporate or education partners for an internship. Thanks to its global network, the Master will offer its brightest students internship opportunities in various places (e.g., Rabat, Bruxelles, Milan, Rome), at leading research, financial institutions and consulting firms.
The internship is recommended for students that are not yet professional and are interested in understanding the new opportunities that Sustainable Development Goals’ implementation could open to them;
b. Project Work:
Students will be asked to work on a task-based assignment. The Project Work addresses real business/social/environmental issues and will be realized in collaboration with a sponsor company. The project is recommended for students that are already professional and want to apply their new knowledge to projects that are internal to their work;
Over the years, Internships have been organized with worldwide leading private, national and international organizations in the fields of corporate sustainability, finance, energy and environment. Some conventions activated:
Candriam, CMCC, WFP, VIGEO, FEEM, Impact Tools, Hub Humanitaire, Enel, RES4AFRICA, Generalitata de Catalunya, UNCCD, Unidroit, FEEM, UNICEF, Yemen UN Youth Council, Unicredit and Nobel Foundation
c. Thesis/Research Project:
Students undertaking the Thesis or Research Project need to prepare a research paper on an advanced SDG related topic. The project is compulsory for both student and professionals. The project can be realized in collaboration with a sponsor company.
The Master’s international partners are keen on talking with you about job opportunities (internship or full time employment) and the Master's career service will connect you with a wide range of international players. The Master in Management of Sustainable Development Goals can rely on a dedicated career service team whose mission is to support Master’s students in their job search.
The Master Programme participation costs for the 7th edition of MSDG are € 10.016,00 (€ 16,00 stamp duty upon enrolment) per student.
These costs cover tuition fees, examination and administrative services provided by each academic institution.
This amount must be paid to the coordinating institution upon registration in the programme.
Registration fee and payment methods
Course fee: € 10.016,00.
Enrollment fee: € 3.016,00 (€16 stamp duty upon enrolment) by 16/12/2023.
(In case of failure to reach the minimum number of students the sum of € 3.000,00 will be returned)
- I installment: € 3.000,00 to be paid by 14/02/2024;
- II installment: € 3.000,00 to be paid by 14/04/2024;
- III installment: € 1.000,00 to be paid by 14/06/2024.
Payments must be made by bank transferin favour of:
Codice IBAN: IT 47 E 03069 05020 100000300281
In the reason field specify your full name and insert Installment N. … and the title of the Master.
Application fees (with scholarships)
Scholarship Application Deadline: 10th of September 2023
Some scholarships (partly) covering all these participation costs will be made available to the students judged most deserving by the selection Committee.
On the basis of the selection results could be approved:
- 1 excellence scholarship of € 9.000,00. The students awarded with a scholarship need to pay the acceptance fee (€ 500,00) by 15th of October 2023 and the remaining € 516,00 (€ 16 stamp duty upon enrolment) by 14/11/2023;
- 3 advanced scholarships of € 7.000,00. The students awarded with a scholarship need to pay the acceptance fee (€ 500,00) by 15th of October 2023 and the remaining € 2.516,00 (€ 16 stamp duty upon enrolment) by 14/12/2023;
- 6 partial scholarships of € 5.000,00. The students awarded with a scholarship need to pay the acceptance fee (€ 500,00) by 15th of October 2023 and the remaining € 5.016,00:
- I instalment: € 2.516,00 (€ 16 stamp duty upon enrolment) to be paid by 14/01/2024;
- II instalment: € 2.000,00 to be paid by 14/04/2024.
Grants will be awarded on the basis of a ranking based on merit.
Please see the Call for Applications of MSDG Scholarships as signed by LUMSA's Rector.

The total number of credits to be obtained is 60.
Pillar 1 (ECTS 8) – 44 hours
SECS-P/01 The Sustainable Development Goals in the 2030 UN Agenda
Pillar 2 (ECTS 8) – 51 hours
SECS-P/01 Sustainable Socio-Economy
Pillar 3 (ECTS 18) – 100 hours
SECS-P/07 Sustainability Management
Pillar 4 (ECTS 8) – 44 hours
SECS-P/01 Environmental Management
Pillar 5 (ECTS 12) – 66 hours
SECS-P/11 Sustainable Finance Management
Internship- Based Final Project or Project-Work Report (ECTS 3) – 480 hours
Master Thesis & Final Exam (ECTS 3) – 75 hours
LUMSA University, Via Pompeo Magno 28, 00192, Rome, Italy
LUMSA University, Borgo S. Angelo 13, 00193, Rome, Italy
Duration: 12 months
Term: January 2025 – February 2026
Master’s Calendar
A detailed calendar of the Master’s lessons will be published on the thematic website
To participate in the selection, follow the information below.
Visit the Master’s Web site by:
- the 30th of September 2024 for candidates applying with scholarship
- the 31st of October 2024 for candidates applying without scholarship
Students in possession of a qualification obtained abroad will be able to send the enrollment application only after completing the form and having received confirmation of the qualification's suitability by the Welcome Office.
Inside the form, in the "Course chosen at LUMSA" section, they must select the following course: MSDG Management of Sustainable Development Goals
In the Master web page you will need to:
1. Fill in the Application Form;
2. Upload your Curriculum vitae et studiorum;
3. Upload your motivation letter;
4. Upload a copy of your bachelor’s degree1 (if you have a master’s degree, please attach both certificates) along with official transcript of records of all your degrees1,2, or in case you have not graduated yet3;
5. Upload a certified statement from your university confirming that you are in the last year of your undergraduate studies along with official transcript of records2;
6. Upload one of the following English language certificates4:
- Cambridge test (minimum level B2);
- IELTS (minimum grade 6.5);
- TOEFL (minimum grade 85)5.
Applicants not holding a certificate can still apply and, upon conditional offer, will be assessed by an English Knowledge Interview.
7. Upload one copy of the ID Card/Passport.
1For Italian students: self-certification.
2All submitted documents must be in English or Italian.
3Students not yet graduated and on track to graduate before September 30, 2024 are welcome to apply: if the selection is passed, and all the other requirements fulfilled, these graduating candidates will be admitted “with reserve” to attend the Master’s program. Under penalty of forfeiture, they must promptly notify to Segreteria LUMSA Master School the successful completion of the qualification, which must take place before September 30, 2024.
4You may also upload a screen print with your test results (from the test organization’s website).
5If you hold a bachelor's degree entirely taught in English, you are exempted from providing the above English language certificate.
Admission notification will be communicated via email in the following dates:
- with scholarship: rolling until the 15th of October 2024
- without scholarship: rolling until the 20th of November 2024
Prof. Giovanni Ferri
Dr. Plinio Limata
Administrative information
Segreteria LUMSA Master School
Directorate of Academic Student Services
Head: Dr Bruna Marro
Prof. Giovanni Ferri
Dr. Plinio Limata