Training of experts in Student Affairs/ Campus Life - III edition | LUMSA Master School

Training of experts in Student Affairs/ Campus Life - III edition

The course


Content and structure

Locations and schedules

Costs and scholarships

The course

Course title
Formazione dell’esperto in Student Affairs/Campus Life
Training of experts in Student Affairs/Campus Life

A.Y. 2024-2025

Program Description and objectives
The Master is designed to develop key competencies for professionals in universities and in halls of residence, who deal with all extra-academic matters (Student Affairs) that concern university students and their soft skills’ development.
The Master will combine interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary actions providing a professional training model in which experts will work in teams with different profiles: psychological, pedagogical, organizational and legal.
The Master is promoted in collaboration with EucA (European University College Association) and NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education).

Admission Requirements
Bachelor Degree, Master Degree or Degree before DM 509/1999 (old system) or another University Degree obtained abroad officially recognized.

Professional Profile
Expert in Student Affairs.

Young graduates, Directors of University Halls of Residence, Tutors in Colleges and Halls of Residence, Coaches, Career Guidance and Orientation Professionals, Faculty involved in student soft skills development, teaching and learning centers, Psychologists, Pedagogists, Sociologists, Teachers.

Qualification obtained
First level University Master degree in Training of experts in Student Affairs/Campus Life.
The qualification will be obtained by attending at least 80% of the total lessons and by succeeding in the intermediate and final exams. The Master accredits a total of 60 ECTS.

Deadline: February 28, 2025 (postponed to April 15, 2025)

The management reserves the right to extend the deadline for enrollment and to postpone the start of the master, respecting the deadline for its conclusion. Only failure to activate the Master gives the right to be refunded of the amount paid.

Students in possession of a qualification obtained abroad will be able to send the enrollment application only after completing the form and receiving confirmation of the suitability of the qualification from the Welcome Office.

Inside the form, in the "Course chosen at LUMSA" section, they must select the following course: M1 Training of the expert in Student Affairs / Campus Life.

In order to access the LUMSA students services it is mandatory to first register your personal data at the link: Mi@Lumsa ( → Registration.
At the end of the registration, you will receive a login and password to access your personal profile. Without registering it will not be possible to validate the enrollment.

How to submit the application
The application with documents required (see below) must be sent to:

Documents to attach to the application:

  • registration application duly completed and signed by hand
  • Copy of a valid identification document and tax code.
  • For citizens of European Union countries: copy of the European identity card and/or passport.
  • For non-European citizens: copy of passport.
  • Duly signed self-certification of the university qualification obtained or the relevant certificate indicating the degree grade.
  • Copy of the receipt for the payment of the fee to be paid upon registration (refundable exclusively in the event of failure to activate/not be admitted to the Master) to be paid by bank transfer to:
    LUMSA - Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. - IBAN: IT 47 E 03069 05020 100000300281
    (in the reason specify name and surname and the title of the Master). Registration fees remain outside the scope of VAT, therefore, no invoice can be issued.
  • Your photo in JPEG format that has the following characteristics: recent, with a width of 35-40 mm, with a close-up shot of the face and shoulders, in focus and sharp; high quality, on a light and solid color background, max 5 MB.

LUMSA may in any case request additional documentation.


Educational Information:
Prof. Maria Cinque:
Dr. Mariagrazia Melfi:

Administrative information
Segreteria LUMSA Master School


Directorate of Academic Student Services
Head: Dr Bruna Marro


Goals and admission requirements: 

Course title
Formazione dell’esperto in Student Affairs/Campus Life
Training of experts in Student Affairs/Campus Life

A.Y. 2024-2025

Program Description and objectives
The Master is designed to develop key competencies for professionals in universities and in halls of residence, who deal with all extra-academic matters (Student Affairs) that concern university students and their soft skills’ development.
The Master will combine interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary actions providing a professional training model in which experts will work in teams with different profiles: psychological, pedagogical, organizational and legal.
The Master is promoted in collaboration with EucA (European University College Association) and NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education).

Admission Requirements
Bachelor Degree, Master Degree or Degree before DM 509/1999 (old system) or another University Degree obtained abroad officially recognized.

Professional Profile
Expert in Student Affairs.

Young graduates, Directors of University Halls of Residence, Tutors in Colleges and Halls of Residence, Coaches, Career Guidance and Orientation Professionals, Faculty involved in student soft skills development, teaching and learning centers, Psychologists, Pedagogists, Sociologists, Teachers.

Qualification obtained
First level University Master degree in Training of experts in Student Affairs/Campus Life.
The qualification will be obtained by attending at least 80% of the total lessons and by succeeding in the intermediate and final exams. The Master accredits a total of 60 ECTS.

Contents and structure: 

Human Sciences - Communication, Education and Psychology

Reference Area
Teaching > Educational Sciences and Teachers Training

Prof. Maria Cinque
Dr. Gianluca Giovannucci

Dr. Mariagrazia Melfi

Scientific Committee
Dr. Kevin Kruger, NASPA President
Dr Mirela Mazalu, EucA Secretary General
Prof. Gennaro Iasevoli, LUMSA University
Prof. Paula Benevene, LUMSA University

Minimum number of participants: 22
Maximum number of participants: 50

Total training hours:
Lectures: 30 hours
Synchronous lessons and laboratories: 100 hours
Asynchronous lessons and laboratories: 150 hours
Internship: 250 hours
Individual study: 500 hours
Intermediate tests and exercises: 250 hours
Thesis/ Final Project Work: 220 hours
Total: 1.500 hours
Learning delivery mode: online
Language: English

Internship and project work: 

A 250 hours stage is envisioned. It can be carried out and agreed as "direct experience" within the students’ working experience in their own institution.

Tuition fee and scholarships: 

Cost: € 3.016,00 including the tax stamp of € 16,00 (The fee is refundable only in case of non-activation/non-admission to the Master. The tax stamp will not be refunded).

The payment is divided as follows:

  • First installment to be paid at the time of the enrollment: € 616,00 including the tax stamp of € 16,00. This installment is refundable exclusively in case of non-activation/non-admission to the Master. The tax stamp will not be refunded.
  • Second installment € 800,00 to be paid within 2 months from the activation of the Master.
  • Third installment € 800,00 to be paid within 3 months from the activation of the Master course
  • Fourth installment € 800,00 to be paid within 4 months from the activation of the Master.

The installment plan of the fee is a benefit granted to the students. It doesn’t exempt from the payment of the entire fee in case of a potential renouncement.

The first installment will be paid at the moment of the enrollment via bank transfer to:
LUMSA - Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
IBAN: IT 47 E 03069 05020 100000300281

(in the reason for payment specify your name and surname and the title of the master).

The following installments after the first one can be paid with PagoPA, by accessing the student's personal area in the Mi@Lumsa portal (
You can print a payment notice or make the payment directly online.
Copies of receipts of the payments need to be sent to:

NB: Students can be admitted to the final exam only if the fees are all paid. Being in order with the payment of the fees is necessary to be admitted to the final exam.

INPS Executive scholarships
INPS makes 857 contributions available to public administration employees for enrollment in first and second level post-graduate university masters. The maximum amount of each contribution is €7,000.00.
The application to participate in the competition must be sent, according to the methods indicated in the announcement, no later than 12.00 on 16 December 2024
Those who win the INPS contribution and wish to enroll in the Master in question can proceed with enrollment, following the instructions indicated in the "How to enroll" section.
Notice of competition

The benefits and scholarships provided cannot be combined.

11 months
€ 3.016,00
April 2025
Ufficio destinatario:
Ufficio destinatario 2 (facoltativo):

M-PED/03 - Student Learning and Development, 48 hours, 8 ECTS
M-PSI/04 - Advising and support, 36 hours, 8 ECTS
M-PED/04 - Assessment, Evaluation and Research, 40 hours, 8 ECTS
M-PED/03 - Educational leadership, 36 hours, 6ECTS
M-PSI/06 - Organizations and human resources, 36 hours, 6 ECTS
M-PED/04 - Digital education, 24 hours, 4 ECTS

Laboratories, 60 hours, 6 ECTS
Internship, 250 hours, 10 ECTS
Thesis/Final work project, 220 hours, 4 ECTS

Location and schedule: 

On-line (synchronous and asynchronous)

11 months

April 2025 - march 2026

Friday and Saturaday 2:00 PM- 6:00 PM Italian time (once a month)

Classes are scheduled online once a month and will take place on the platform Google Meet.

How to apply: 

Deadline: February 28, 2025 (postponed to April 15, 2025)

The management reserves the right to extend the deadline for enrollment and to postpone the start of the master, respecting the deadline for its conclusion. Only failure to activate the Master gives the right to be refunded of the amount paid.

Students in possession of a qualification obtained abroad will be able to send the enrollment application only after completing the form and receiving confirmation of the suitability of the qualification from the Welcome Office.

Inside the form, in the "Course chosen at LUMSA" section, they must select the following course: M1 Training of the expert in Student Affairs / Campus Life.

In order to access the LUMSA students services it is mandatory to first register your personal data at the link: Mi@Lumsa ( → Registration.
At the end of the registration, you will receive a login and password to access your personal profile. Without registering it will not be possible to validate the enrollment.

How to submit the application
The application with documents required (see below) must be sent to:

Documents to attach to the application:

  • registration application duly completed and signed by hand
  • Copy of a valid identification document and tax code.
  • For citizens of European Union countries: copy of the European identity card and/or passport.
  • For non-European citizens: copy of passport.
  • Duly signed self-certification of the university qualification obtained or the relevant certificate indicating the degree grade.
  • Copy of the receipt for the payment of the fee to be paid upon registration (refundable exclusively in the event of failure to activate/not be admitted to the Master) to be paid by bank transfer to:
    LUMSA - Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. - IBAN: IT 47 E 03069 05020 100000300281
    (in the reason specify name and surname and the title of the Master). Registration fees remain outside the scope of VAT, therefore, no invoice can be issued.
  • Your photo in JPEG format that has the following characteristics: recent, with a width of 35-40 mm, with a close-up shot of the face and shoulders, in focus and sharp; high quality, on a light and solid color background, max 5 MB.

LUMSA may in any case request additional documentation.


Educational Information:
Prof. Maria Cinque:
Dr. Mariagrazia Melfi:

Administrative information
Segreteria LUMSA Master School


Directorate of Academic Student Services
Head: Dr Bruna Marro


Ufficio destinatario ADV:
Obiettivo del master titolo accordion: 
Program description and admission requirements
Contenuti del master titolo accordion: 
Contents and structure
Programma titolo accordion: 
Udm durata: 
Qta durata: 
Anno corso: 
Sede corso: 
informazioni amministrative: 
informazioni didattica: 

Educational Information:
Prof. Maria Cinque:
Dr. Mariagrazia Melfi:

Livello master: 

A 250 hours stage is envisioned. It can be carried out and agreed as "direct experience" within the students’ working experience in their own institution.

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